Online URL Encoder / Decoder

Search Engine Optimization

URL Encoder / Decoder

Enter the text that you wish to encode or decode:

About URL Encoder / Decoder

It is common practice to refer to the process of adding special characters to a URL framework as "percent-encoding." This is because the procedure adds special characters to the URL. The URL encoder/decoder tool that can be found online is an extremely helpful tool that can be used to complete this operation. The process of encoding a URL involves replacing any unnecessary letters with a "percent sign," which is the symbol for the percentage, plus two additional hexadecimal numerals. This procedure is called URL encoding. The act of converting an encoded URL string into its standard form, sometimes referred to as a form that can be read by humans, is referred to as URL decoding.

This process can also be referred to as human-readable form. It does this by replacing a collection of hexadecimal integers and percent signs, both of which are utilized throughout the encoding process, with a standard or regular form so that it may be transformed.
